Notice Board

S.No. Particulars Date Download
50 Circular :: Moot Court Problem "Maintenance Case No: 60/2020" 01/07/2023
49 Circular :: Esay Competition on "OUR CONSTITUTION-OUR PRIDE" 23/06/2023
48 :: Exam Time Table :: 5 Years (BALLB,BBALLB,BCom LLB) & 3 Years (LLB, LLB Honors) -2023 30/03/2023
47 :: Exam Time Table :: 5 Years (BALLB,BBALLB,BCom LLB) & 3 Years (LLB, LLB Honors) 23/11/2022
46 :: Exam Time Table :: LLM 15/11/2022
45 :: IV Batch :: LLB Hons - 5 Semester 3 Year, BA LLB9 sem 5 years, BCom LLB & BBA

44 :: Exam Time Table ::
3 Years – 4 Sem LLB
5 Years – 4 Sem B.Com LLB
5 Years – 4 Sem BA LLB
5 Years – 4 Sem BBA LLB
3 Years – 4 Sem LLB Hons
4 Sem LLM(Constitutional Law)
4 Sem LLM(Criminal Law)
4 Sem LLM(Corporate & Security Laws)

43 :: Circular :: Whose hall ticket numbers are
mentioned to attend Court Observation
on 23/09/2022
and Moot Court on 24/09/2022
42 :: Invitation :: Cordially invites you for Inauguration of
Advocacy Skill Development Programme
on Sunday 28 August 2022 at 09.45 AM
All students are required to participate in this programme
41 Circular Attend court observation and moot cort for 4th sem 3 year LLb 3year LLB Hons and 9th sem 5year BA, LLB, BCOM LLB & BBA LLB on 29-08-2022 and 27-08-2022 10/08/2022
40 Circular to participate actively in the competitions for celebrate Swaraj 75 Independence day 03/08/2022
39 Circular Attend court observation and moot cort for 4th sem 3 year LLb 3year LLB Hons and 8th sem 5year BA, LLB, BCOM LLB & BBA LLB 08/07/2022
38 circular moot court problem 3 08/07/2022
37 LAW EXAM TIME TABLE APRIL 2022 (LLM) 29/03/2022
36 Circular: Examination Fee for 3rd sem of 3y LLB & 3Y LLB(Honors), 3rd sem of 5y BA.LLB, 5y BBA.LLB and 2Y LL.M Last date on or before 26-03-2022 21/03/2022
35 Circular: Holiday declare on 18-03-2022 17/03/2022
34 All the students are required to attend the Court Observation from 14-03-2022 to 28-03-2022.It is compulsory for all the students of final year 03/03/2022
33 Moot-Court Examination Schedule -2022 03/03/2021
32 5 Years BALLB-BBLLB-BCOMLLB 7TH sem Exam Time Table 21/12/2021
30 LAW II SEM TIME TABLES-2021 27/11/2021
29 College Fee & Examination Fee 15/11/2021
28 Examination centre has been changed New examination centre S.K University Ananthapuramu. 14/08/2021
27 LLB-VI Semester Viva-Voce 2021 07/08/2021
26 3year LL.B- I, IV, VI Semesters- Time Table 2021 05/08/2021
25 3year LL.B(HONORS) - I, IV, VI Semesters-TIME TABLE 2021 05/08/2021
24 5year B.COM.LLB - I, IV, VI, VIII, X Semesters - Time Table 2021 05/08/2021
23 5year BA.LLB - I, IV, VI, VIII, X Sem - Time Table 2021 05/08/2021
22 5year BBA.LLB - I, IV, VI, VIII, X Semesters - Time Table 2021 05/08/2021
21 LLM- I Semester Exam Time Table 2021 03/08/2021
20 LLM- IV Semester Exam Time Table 2021 26/07/2021
19 College Fee & Examination Fee 07/06/2021
18 3year LL.B(HONORS) - III, V Semesters 10/03/2021
17 3 YEAR LL.B - III, V Semesters 10/03/2021
16 5YEAR BCOM.LLB-III,V,VII,IX Semesters 10/03/2021
15 5year BBA.LLB- III,V,VII,IX Semesters 10/03/2021
14 5year BA.LLB- III, V, VII, IX Semesters 10/03/2021
13 LL.M- III Semesters 10/03/2021
12 Examination Fees circular 11/02/2021
11 3year LL.B(HONORS) - II, IV Semesters 14/12/2020
10 3 YEAR LL.B - II, IV Semesters 14/12/2020
9 LL.M- II Semester 14/12/2020
8 5YEAR BCOM.LLB-II,IV,VI,VIII Semesters 14/12/2020
7 5year BBA.LLB- II,IV,VI,VIII Semesters 14/12/2020
6 5year BA.LLB- II, IV, VI, VIII Semesters 14/12/2020
5 5 Years BALLB BBALLB BComLLB 02/09/2020
4 LAW Time table 2 Years LLM 02/09/2020
3 LAW Time table 3 Years LLB Honors 02/09/2020
2 LAW Time table 3 Years LLB 02/09/2020
1 Application form for admission 2020 01/09/2020